Convocation day on 3rd October 2009, PICC; Putrajaya International Convention Center been great eventough i lost my friend no where when i need them to take some pictures with them after convocation. sigh. "korang leka sana sini"
sian kan, biarla
Biarlah rahsia..ceyh
PICC (Dewan plenari yg smmgnya besar mmbuat kan aku terkapai2 tgk2 ramai org sana sini ada da abis, biarla apa yg ada dah selesai..)
Nevermind, I'll keep those precious moment of studying will be good enough knowledge to be practice on looking a good job opportunity. hopefully
aku nak sambung study
Either Kolej Poly-Tech Mara, or universiti UITM tetap di hatiku, next year to go bln 12 intake.
which means Next year stat study.
studying in good environment which reminds me to remove your all bad thinking of what you decide. Last raptai convo..i did met my ex KLMU student. she convo on the evening side. Luckily never try to be good with "i decide what i Like". Go everywhere you want but do Not bug me
Alhamdulillah. Thanks everything
Here are some photos of convocation that I'll be missing them
cheers :)
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